Friday, July 17, 2009

Symbol Art

In the internet lots of people like to post cool stuff to pimp their website or profile,whatever it is.

Here I collected some of them for you to copy and past them to your sites. For me this is like art, because it takes a lot of time and it is cool and beatifu. Enjoy ^^

Bunnipolis and it citizens: (a very popular one, found almost everywhere)


 (=\0/=) Weird Bunny

(")_(") Cute Bunny


(")_(") Cute Bunny 2

( ..)
C(')(') Sitting Bunny

( - -)
((') (') Sitting Bunny 2

(\ (\
( ^_^)
(_(")(") Sitting Bunny 3

./. .\_(*,..,*)_/. .\.
/_/_..("")("").._\_\ Vampire Bunny

(\ /)
 (><) /_|_\ Freaky Bunny

["]--["] Robot Bunny

.... (\_/)
.... (¤-¤)
.. /(,,)(,,)\
./.(")(")_.\Super Bunny

=( ';')=.=(^^)=.=(';' )=
.(") (")...(") (")...(") (")  Bunny friends

◄► °°° (\__/)(\_(\ °◄►
◄► °°° (='.'=)  (=' :') °◄►
◄► °°° (")_(") (,(')(')  ◄►

▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼  Bunny Portrait

(..- _ -..)
(_( '')...( '') Bunny King, King of Bunnipolis

Bunny World Domination: (Also part of Bunnipolis)

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste
(='.'=)  him onto you page to help him
(")_(") gain world domination

||.......||......||.......||  Bunny has been arrested for
||.......||......||.......||  attempting world domination.
||.......||(\/).||......|| Copy and paste this onto your
||.......||-_-)||.......|| site if you think this is unfair
||.......O.....).O.......|| and want bunny free.

u( . )u  Bunny couldn´t deal with this
UU       he hung himself. R.I.P. 

Random Stuff:

║( o) ipod


: ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
: Min- - - - - - - - - - -●Max

╔═╗Name is my



╚══╝╚╩╝Post this if you have a Wii

(゚、 。 7  
 l、 ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ Meow Meow ^^

_/) c_c_(\__ 
(/(_ O _)\)__ 
_(``)~(´´)___ Snoopy

☆┌─┐  ─┐☆
 │▒│ /▒/
 │▒ /▒/─┬─┐
┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●●Peace To The People●●


Hope you enjoyed. Peace :P

P.S. This looks like this just because of the fonts for the blog but it looks normal when you copy and paste it. 


For ceramics you can use a variety of tools, but in particular I use only my hands.There are a variety of clays, for example polymer clay, clay, adobe, from which you can choose depending on your preferences. There is special clay that is sold by 1lb blocks and does not need to be heaten to dry, this is my favorite becasue you open it and you begin sculpting and it begins drying when you stop molding it. Anyways, you need to wrap it with plastic wrap and put it in a wet plastic bag, and also remember to keep it in a humid place so it will not dry. The best way to learn to sculpt, is to practice. If your not sure about your first sculpture try modeling playdoh into little figures until you think you´re ready. Then you can try with real clay. Then you paint it, I strongly recommend acrylic paint because it won´t loose if it get´s wet. To paste together different parts you should put a little water in the area that´s going to be pasted, this may help it stick together better. If you see your sculptures parts falling apart you can paste it back with pvc or crazy glue, this way it will not fall apart again. (awfully none of my sculptures have survived withouth having to pass through tha crazy glue stage) D:   


Hi everyone, here I have post something somewhat related to a previous post (Origami), the difference is that instead of origami paper, you will use dollar bills :O This is known as "Moneygami." There are lots of websites that teach how to do this, but these are like 20% of all the pages, because most just show Moneygami but won't teach you how. Here are some good websites to learn how:

Moneygami Stuff

Moneygami Animals

Shirt Video

P.S. Everything with moderation, don´t spend all your money until you´re poor S:

I´m back :P

First of all, sorry for being away so much time and not posting anything new. I had a lot of school work but now I´m in mid-year vacations so I will post everything I´m missing. I´m sure you will like it all.                      

                                                                                                                             -Rafa Z-

Friday, April 17, 2009


Papercraft is a great way to enjoy your free time. Papercraft is constructing tridimensionals  figures out of paper, similar to Origami, but it doesn't follow the rules of noncutting and no glue. Papercraft is different, because it involves cutting and glue. Well, Papercraft is a great hobby and it is not that hard. There are some really hard Papercrafts but  some are cool and easy. You should be able to make cool Papercrafts if you practice a little with dioramas and simple things.

Expert Papercraft: This will take about a week if you have done a lot of papercraft.(I didn't do this I found it searching the web, if you are interested in doing it search: Howl's Moving Castle Papercraft) 

Easy Papercraft: This is a great papercraft, if you like it do one yourself with this templates:


Some cool sites I found are:


Cubee Papercraft

Paper Critters (Design your own papercrafts)

Papercraft Museum

Nintendo Papercraft


Ninjatoes Papercraft

Paper Mario


Origami  is an art that origined in Japan. Origami is the art of paperfolding. I really enjoy making origami. It teaches to be perseverant and patient. Perseverant by not giving up when an origami is too hard and patient because some of the origamis take time. 

Here are some easy and impressive origami videos:

Origami Stars

Origami Rose

For more fun, you can visit this places:

Origami Channel


Origami Toys

Hope you like it ^^

Friday, April 10, 2009



Is it possible to make beautiful things out of mud? Yes! You can make beautiful shiny and spherical objects with the methods of Dorodango. Dorodango is a Japanese term used to refer to shiny mud balls. Some nice places you can visit to learn to make Dorodango are:  Dorodango Latest Technique or Dorodango how to (video)  

Here are some nice pictures of Dorodango:

Red Soil

Haven't done one myself (at least not succesful one), but when I do I will surely post it here.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello Web

Isn't it hard to look for art on the web? Well...NOT HERE! In The Artisan's Blog I will find and post art projects, cool things and lots of fun stuff. I hope you like it here and learn new things about art. 
